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Well I have to say after such a short time I have decided I have had enough. I just can't bear the rantings & ravings of the people who seem to have hijacked this site. Bye !!

La Marina

Sorry to hear this!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-15 06:52:05 UTC

Expensive Restaurants

For the information of the of the haters of wasted money and supporters of the previous government, this article details how the previous government team spent 24000 euros of your money on restaurants with one meal costing 800 euros and jolly trips to london for council allies. also the fact that the theatre in san fulgencio still owes 800000 euros of which 400000 is the interest on the unpaid debt. all this has come to light with thanks to the new government team and its "advisers", lets talk about waste shall we.......

La Marina

DISGUSTING ... I had a feeling things would start coming out of the woodwork. When politicians sling mud the way the AP and PSOE are doing, it's normal to cover up the things THEY have been doing!!!!!
WHAT A JOKE!!! And you are right Curious, these things are being brought to light thanks to these "Advisors". Maybe people will start thinking a little differently about them. But probably not as whatever these advisors do, I don't think they will EVER be able to please certain people!!! LOL

Commented Tony in La Marina 2011-07-14 08:53:18 UTC

A drop in the ocean compared with the first four weeks of this government?
Underhand employment tactics, new offices, where will it all end?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-14 09:40:57 UTC

Curious and Tony,
We are all aware of the "antics" of our old government and I for one are with you both, I quite agree it is a waste of OUR public monies. However, done is done, is it not?
What people like both of you, me and many more should be doing is to make sure that the current government does not folow this pattern.
At the moment non of us are affecting the current trend of "throwing monies around like men with no arms".
From what I can see the new crowd are no better or no worse that the last lot?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-14 09:46:26 UTC

Done is Done....dont make me laugh this is the tip of the iceberg are you saying its ok because you cant change it, guess we know where your loyalties want to deflect criticism from the last govt by slinging mud at the new one...i will keep telling people the truth which is more than you can do,

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-14 09:56:21 UTC

I have no doubt that San Fulgencio is in debt,The sum being bandied about is roughlyb 8 million euros,I am sure it will end up much higher.some of this will of been excess spending by the previous council,and some from councils previous to the last one,so make no mistake no one comes out of this whiter than white.
The problem this time that the people we could normally scrounge money from i.e Alicante Diputante,Valencia community,and Central Government,are now in a worse position debt wise than possibly ever before.I agree with the comment ,what is done is done,that is not a sign of putting our hands up and giving up,it is a fact ,that we are not going to get that money back.
We need to go forward and this new council needs to take us with it,
Let us see some openness about them,tell us what they want to do and why,stop lying to us over things that may not be serious,which is what they are doing at the moment.because we will not believe you when things are serious.
Stop trying to score points off of each other.Get on with the b****y job tou are paid by us to do
,and dont forget those previous few words 'Paid by us to do'

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-14 11:51:44 UTC

Interesting to see curious put the small article about San Fulgencio on here and not the main article. We know where your loyalties lie. As for telling the truth well Mr Wiszniewski and his overpaid advisors wouldn't know the truth if it jumped up and slapped them over the head, let's look back at what was previously said on this forum by Mr Wiszniewski (all proven to be untrue):

1. The animal ambulance belongs to San Fulgencio and as agreed with K9, it will continue to be used as such in the municipality.

2. The animal ambulance ITV was up on the day it was stopped.

3. When we had the meeting with K9 last week, we discovered that there is no actual contract found in the records of the Town Hall.

4. It was agreed with Brenda (K9) that bills would still be paid. It was intimated that to continue, a new contract would have to be drawn up!

5. I understand that many people are worried about the wages for "My advisors", but please remember their wages are apparently less than the wages for the 4 employed by the last group.

6.And now Mr Wiszniewski is telling people that a serious fault was found on the animal ambulance when it was taken away from k9 and they are currently waiting for a part to come from Germany however,LAST WEEK, the animal ambulance was driven to the K9 shop so that the K9 volunteers could remove their own property from it, AND THE AMBULANCE HAD A NEW ITV ON IT!

And let's not forget what curious wrote recently:

I notice that the comments about Cereco have stopped when it emerged that SATS will be dealing with the abandoned animals for the time being HMMMMMM 

And here is the main article in La Verdad newspaper today:

This newspaper article informs us that Mr. Wiszniewski is to get 650€ for each government board meeting in the Town Hall. There are usually 4 or 5 meetings each month, bringing him a total of between 2600 to 3,250€ per month. All that money to sit in a meeting with the other Deputy Mayors (all Spanish), a meeting at which he will not understand a word that is being spoken!

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-14 12:51:48 UTC

Nice to hear from you again,Just one point I cannot understand,from your comment perhaps you could enlighten me.You seem to say that the 'Advisors' that this council have brought in to the team are somehow responsible for finding out how money was wasted by the previous council.
Jeff is on this forum as saying,that of the five 2are helping organise the fiestas,one is working on producing a council website,another is in the tourist office giving help and advise to all who need it,and the fifth is given his 20 years of experience in local council,to help all councillors.Just which of these are finding the waste of previous councils.Or was jeff telling porkies when he gave their job descriptions.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-14 13:23:33 UTC

It gives me great pleasure to make you laugh, we all need humour in our lives.
Once again you are making assumptions as where my loyalties lie, please tell me!
I do not remember mentioning "tips of Icebergs" but if I did then please remind me, otherwise I will assume that your overpowing powers of interpretation have once again been engaged?
You are obviously a very, very special person since you know the truth, I am not sure that anyone else does?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-14 18:59:09 UTC

At the risk of being boring I agree with you again.
Personally I have no conception as to how much debt San Fulgencio Council face, however, it seems to be generally accepted by everyone that it is a significant amount.
I think Alan that you would agree that the degree of openness or transparancy shown by the new council is at best limited if non existant?
If I could think somewhat ahead, the labour parties are finished, the last local election poles in Spain substantiate that, it is only a matter of time before PP are in national government. This of course will benefit us with a PP majority here in San Fulgencio if we include Jeff and his vote.
Monies will be forthcoming from National level and perhaps we can in San Fulgencio begin to prosper.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-14 19:11:47 UTC

Of course the entire current situation is a total mess, along with yourself and others have I not been saying this for weeks?
I do not know what Jeff can contributre to any meeting with anyone, he has already lost the credibility he had?
I suggest Jeff does not take out any salary or expenses for the first year until he gets his feet firmly back on earth.
Before the election Jeff would have been the first to suggest that incompetant people should not be paid?
The man clearly needs time to get up to speed?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-14 19:21:10 UTC

I am totally in agreement that Tony cannot have read the press release from The Mayor, nor has he any conception concerning the duties of "Jeff's Army"

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-14 19:25:54 UTC

Just how close we are in thought at times amazes this rate we could become good friends.
PP will become the next government of Spain of that I have no doubt,but the vote will be more as sign of the Spanish people having had enough of how they have been treated by the present Government ,rather than them has faith in the PP party.I gather that the Spanish economyis in such a bad state that I cannot see any body getting any benefit from them being in power for at least a few years.
I really have no polital leanings in Spain although i have always followed politics from an early age,but getting back to our local politics,I hate it when politicians talk to me like I am an idiot and will believe anything they say as the Gospel truth,It is then that the real me comes out.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-14 19:30:34 UTC

I believe you and I have no other thought than the wellbeing of La Marina and the people who live here.
I believe we both dislike the wasting of public funds intensly?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-15 06:51:07 UTC

Spanish Now

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CAM Bank to Close 122 Branches

Caja Mediterráneo (CAM) is continuing with its cost reduction plans, to be implemented this year, which will result in the closure of a total of 122 branches, 27% of their total network. The bank are confident the implementation of its recapitalisation strategy will yield “rather positive results”.

These cost reduction measures will see the closure of 1 in 4 of CAM’s branches during 2011, six months sooner than the official forecast. Fifteen closures have already been implemented to date.

Regarding staffing, the organisation said that since the approval of the redundancy plan (ERE) in June, they have already produced a reduction equivalent to 37% of the plan for 2011.

They also highlighted that as far as recurring overheads are concerned, the measures initiated during the second quarter of the year will allow a reduction of five points above the recapitalisation plan target for 2011, making the percentage reduction around 16%, excluding extraordinary items.

The Intention is to Save more than 200 Million Euros

The board of directors of Caja Mediterráneo approved the submission of their recapitalisation plan to the Bank of Spain late April and as a result, from now until the year 2015, it is projected the efficiency ratio will improve up to 50%, resulting in recurring savings of more than 200 million euros and profit levels above 15%.

As reported in El Mundo, the bank said that in developing the plan they “have been mindful of the new competitive environment and foreseeable market developments over the next five years, as well as regulatory requirements for solvency and liquidity.”

Thus, the approved plan “includes the development of various initiatives on operational restructuring and cost cutting measures designed to place the productivity and efficiency of the Bank at levels required in the new competitive and regulatory climate.”

La Marina

If we continue like this soon we will not have a single bank in La Marina?
I heard recently that BankCaja next to The Angel Bar is being sold?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-14 19:33:18 UTC

Anyone been to this Restaurant ??

On Sunday evening we decided to go somewhere completely different with our friends and went to a restaurant that is on the main N332 road going towards
Torrevieja - just a little past Guardamar. The restaurant is situated on the right hand side up a hill with flags flying - not sure what it's called !! - completely Spanish.
We picked our table and the waiter very quickly appeared. We managed to order our drinks and much to our surprise we actually got a bottle of Semi-Sweet white wine (usually the Spanish do not even know what sweet white wine is) - that was the best part of the evening. It went downhill very fast after that.

We were brought bread and ali oli and asked which salad we wanted off the menu. We duly ordered our main meal (I didn't think it was a very good choice) but I ordered pork chops, as did one of my friends. The other two in our party ordered the mixed grill (I thought it was going to be eggs, bacon, sausage,
etc etc).

There I was enjoying my bread roll and dipping it in to my ali oli when all of a sudden I sensed the waiter standing by the side of me - I looked up and there he was - hands outstretch trying to take my plate away. Well, you can imagine my face can't you? My glare must have frightened him off. He mumbled something in Spanish (of which we didn't understand). A few seconds
later all our main meals arrived - none of us had even finished bread or salad. How bad is that? Would you like your bread/ali oli being *stolen away from you* while you were still eating? NO of course not !

The main meals: 2 very large pork chops completely covered with salt (I have high blood pressure and cannot eat salt). In any case restaurants should NOT be putting salt on your food (that's what salt pots are for). The Mixed Grill - Pork, Chicken & Lamb - just the meat on our plate. Very quickly a very small plate of scrawny bedraggled chips arrived - this was for 4 people. I might add 3 euros extra for these so called chips. Needless to say we had to order another plateful of these scrawny bedraggled looking chips to fill up on.

TO SUM UP: Extremely Expensive TOTAL 68 euros (and that was only the main meal - no starter, pud or coffee), Very unprofessional Service, not an enjoyable meal and very unfriendly and we will never be going back there again. We did NOT leave a Tip !!

La Marina

Ditto hee!! hee!! Nod!! Nod!! you had to be there to actually see Carol's face, her eyes followed the waiter from his thumb up to his face and she did have very scary eyes!!!!!

We could not believe he wanted to take her plate away while she was still eating, so I grabbed my plate and put it onto my left side so they couldn't take it!!!!

It was a good job we had a couple of wine so we could make our own entertainment and have a laugh about the evening.

Commented Linda Reed in La Marina 2011-07-12 21:37:38 UTC

Thanks for the tip off! I´ve driven past it loads and often see alot of cars parked outside and had intended to try the place out.

Commented Steve in La Marina 2011-07-12 22:11:23 UTC

I think the restaurant is really just aimed at the Spanish ! I shall never forget the evening though. The hand appearing and trying to take my break/ali oli was a bit like **Thing** from The Munster's years ago. In fact, when I think about it, the waiter looked a bit like **Herman** he he. But saying that I liked Herman !! x

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-13 07:28:09 UTC

I had to smile Carol,the same thing happened to us about three years ago,in the round restaurant behind supa valu .Only we had to wait 20 minutes for the Ali oli,which was on the table for three minutes,when the waiter came back grabbed the plates and said 'your meal is ready.the main meal
wasnt too bad,but we asked for mustard,which never arrived,we couldnt get his attention (or to be polite he ignored us)when we asked for another bottle of wine,I had to search for the manager,who brought the wine immediately.We then asked for three desserts,the waiter brought back one,and selected which one of us could have it,the three of us declined,so withour flinching he put it in front of the only person who didnt want a dessert and said 'you eat'obviously we had just about enough of this appalling service and i told him where to put his dessert,and asked for the bill,as like you he didnt get a tip and to help things along the extra bottle of wine wasnt on the bill,and i forgot to tell them.To this day although the restaurant has changed hands ,I have never been back there.
A thought has crossed my mind that perhaps these people sold up and bought a lovely restaurant on the hill between guardamar and Torrievieha,which has flage flying outside

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-13 10:37:30 UTC

Ha ha Alan - thank you for posting that - it's nice to know that these things just don't happen to little old me !! Oh dear what a shame you forgot to pay for the wine ha ha

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-13 11:25:53 UTC

My God Carol did he have a death wish. You should have said "Touch my food, feel my fork".

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-13 16:51:46 UTC

ha ha**** It all happened so quickly Eve. When you think about these things afterwards and what you should have done he was very lucky that I didn't clout him one he he. Good job you weren't there and he tried to take your food while you were still eating. He would have died with fright when you got your mouth in gear ha ha (not that he would have understood English) !! Plus they didn't even have any mayo for the salad - how bad is that in an expensive restaurant ??????

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-14 07:02:08 UTC

I would have tried my pidgeon spanish on him. He would have known I was annoyed. Actions speak louder than words.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-14 19:18:37 UTC
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